「新地生活圈会员限定」友缘赏住 朋友推荐计划

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友缘赏住 三步曲

Terms and Conditions of SHKP Lifestyle Member “Refer-a-Friend” Scheme.

  1. SHKP Lifestyle Member “Refer-a-Friend” Scheme (“Promotion”) runs from now to 31 May 2025, both dates inclusive or while the quota is full, whichever is earlier (“Promotion Period”). The Promotion offer is on a first-come-first-serve basis, while quota lasts.
  2. This Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers offered by Signature Homes Residential Leasing.
  3. The Referrer must be a registered SHKP Lifestyle member (“Referrer”).
  4. During the Promotion Period, the Referrer must successfully complete the Referrer Registration Form (“Registration Form”) through the designated webpage. The Referrer should provide his/her full name, phone number, Referee’s name, email, and phone number (“Referee”) when completing the Registration Form. The Referrer’s full name and phone number must match with the registered name and phone number of the SHKP Lifestyle Member record to enjoy the offer. Successful registration cannot be cancelled or modified.
  5. The Referrer must not be any staff of Sun Hung Kai Properties Group, its subsidiaries, or affiliates (including Signature Homes).
  6. The Referee must not be an existing tenant or occupant of any Signature Homes Residential Leasing properties and has not made any direct or indirect contact (e.g. via property agent) with Signature Homes Residential Leasing or the Landlord within a period of six months before the date of introduction.
  7. The Referrer and Referee will be entitled to receive designated reward (“Referral Reward”) as shown below table upon both Referrer and Referee fulfilling aforesaid requirements and the Referee has successfully signed off a 24-month or above residential lease with Signature Homes Residential Leasing for designated residences (“New Tenancy Agreement”) within the Promotion Period (“Successful Referral”).

    New Tenancy Agreement signed by Referee

    Referral Reward of Referrer

    Referral Reward of Referee

    Selected 2-bedroom apartments

    HK$4,000 SHKP Malls Gift Card

    HK$4,000 SHKP Malls Gift Card

    Selected 3-bedroom or 4-bedroom apartments

    HK$5,000 SHKP Malls Gift Card

    HK$5,000 SHKP Malls Gift Card

    Selected houses

    HK$6,000 SHKP Malls Gift Card

    HK$6,000 SHKP Malls Gift Card

  8. The Promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the New Tenancy Agreement and availabilities for selected residential leasing properties of Signature Homes Residential Leasing, which excludes serviced suites and serviced residences. For a detailed list of residential leasing properties, please visit www.signaturehomes.com.hk or contact Signature Homes Residential Leasing General Hotline (+852 9228 2931).
  9. Each Referee can only be referred once during the Promotion Period. If the same Referee is referred by more than one Referrer, only the first Referrer listed as the earliest submission in Signature Homes’ record is regarded as a Successful Referral.
  10. The Referrer shall be entitled to the Referral Reward up to three (3) times in maximum during the Promotion Period.
  11. Each Referee is entitled to the Referral Reward once.
  12. A redemption letter of Referral Reward (“Redemption Letter”) will be issued to the Referrer and Referee respectively within 90 days after the Successful Referral. The Referrer and Referee are required to follow the instructions stated in the Redemption Letter to redeem the Referral Reward.
  13. The Redemption Letter can only be redeemed for the Referral Reward once. Lost, stolen, or damaged Redemption Letter will not be reissued.
  14. SHKP Malls Gift Card will be entitled to the Referrer and Referee upon presenting the original Redemption Letter at the Signature Homes Office. The SHKP Malls Gift Card will be valid for 1 year from the date of issuance of the Redemption Letter. The expiry date printed on the back of the SHKP Malls Gift Card shall prevail.
  15. SHKP Malls Gift Card cannot be refunded and/or redeemed for cash, and subject to respective terms and conditions.
  16. SHKP Malls Gift Card is supplied by an independent contractor. Signature Homes Residential Leasing shall assume no responsibility for the quality of the goods or services redeemed or rendered and their after-sales services. For the usage and terms and conditions of the SHKP Malls Gift Card, please contact the SHKP Malls Gift Card Customer Service Hotline (+852 3900 9888, 9 am to 6 pm on Monday to Friday).
  17. Participation in this Promotion is voluntary. Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and Signature Homes Residential Leasing shall not be responsible for any disputes or liabilities arising from or caused by the Promotion or relevant reward(s), and shall not be responsible for any related obligations or costs incurred by participating in the Promotion.
  18. Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and Signature Homes Residential Leasing reserve the final right to cancel, terminate, or change any of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. The entitlement of the Rewards shall be at the sole discretion of Signature Homes Residential Leasing and Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited.
  19. Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and Signature Homes Residential Leasing reserve the right of interpretation to the aforesaid terms and conditions in case of any dispute, which interpretation shall be binding and conclusive.
  20. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
  21. These terms and conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.


「友缘赏住 - 新地生活圈会员朋友推荐计划」条款及细则:

  1. 友缘赏住 - 新地生活圈会员朋友推荐计划」(下称「优惠」)只适用于由即日起至2025年5月31日,包括首尾两天(下称「推广期」)。 优惠名额有限,先到先得,额满即止。
  2. 优惠不能与其他 Signature Homes Residential Leasing提供的推广优惠同时使用。
  3. 推荐人必须是新地生活圈的注册会员(下称「推荐人」)。
  4. 推荐人须于推广期内透過指定网站完成推荐人登记表格(下称「登记表格」)。登记表格须提供推荐人全名及电话号码、推荐亲友的姓名、电邮以及电话号码(下称「受荐人」)。推荐人的姓名及电话号码必须与新地生活圈会员注册记录上的姓名及电话号码相符,方可享受优惠。成功登記後將不能取消或更改。
  5. 推荐人不得为新鸿基地产集团及其子公司或关联公司(包括Signature Homes Residential Leasing)的任何员工。
  6. 受荐人必须是Signature Homes Residential Leasing住宅租赁物业的全新租户,于签订相关租约的当日起计之6个月前,没有与Signature Homes Residential Leasing 或业主有直接或间接联系(例如透过物业代理)。
  7. 推荐人及受荐人如符合上述条件,受荐人于推广期内成功签订Signature Homes Residential Leasing指定住宅租赁物业的24个月或以上租约(下称「新租约 」),推荐人及受荐人可享以下指定推荐奖赏(下称「推荐奖赏 」)。    













  1. 优惠受新租约的条款和细则约束。指定住宅租赁物业之供应实际情况而定,而且并不包括服务式套房及服务式住宅。 有关出租住宅物业单位的资料,请浏览 www.signaturehomes.com.hk 或致电Signature Homes Residential Leasing热线查询 (+852 9228 2931 )。
  2. 每位受荐人于推广期内只可透过此推荐计划被推荐一次。若同一受荐人被多于一位推荐人推荐,只有第一个于Signature Homes Residential Leasing纪录裏最早递交之推荐人会被视为成功推荐。
  3. 推荐人于推广期内最多可获享3次推荐奖赏。
  4. 受荐人只能获享推荐奖赏乙次。
  5. 推荐奖赏的换领信(下称「换领信」)将在新租约签署后的90天内发给推荐人及受荐人。 推荐人及受荐人必须自行按照换领信中的指示兑换推荐奖赏。
  6. 换领信只能兑换推荐奖赏乙次。 换领信如有遗失、被盗、或损坏将不予补发。
  7. 推荐人及受荐人須親身前往Signature Homes办公室出示換領信正本,方可換領推荐奖赏。新地商场礼品卡的有效期为换领信发出日期起计一年,以新地商场礼品卡卡背实际显示之有效期为准。
  8. 新地商场礼品卡不可退换及/或兑换现金,并受相关条款及细则约。
  9. Signature Homes Residential Leasing并非新地商场礼品卡之供应商,故不会承担任何产品或服务的品质及售后服务之责任。有关礼遇的使用条款及细则,请致电新地商场礼品卡客户服务热线(+852 3900 9888,星期一至五早上九时至下午六时)查询。
  10. 参与此优惠纯属自愿性质。新鸿基地产发展有限公司和Signature Homes Residential Leasing概不负责因是此优惠或其奖赏而引起的任何争议、责任,或因参与是此优惠而招致的任何相关责任或费用。
  11. 新鸿基地产发展有限公司和Signature Homes Residential Leasing保留随时撤销、终止或修改是次优惠之条款及细则而无须另行通知。新鸿基地产发展有限公司和Signature Homes Residential Leasing有全权决定礼遇的权利。
  12. 如有任何争议,新鸿基地产发展有限公司及Signature Homes Residential Leasing保留对上述条款及细则的解释权,该解释具有约束力和决定性并保留最终决定权 。
  13. 本条款及细则之中、英文版如有任何差别,一概以英文本为准。
  14. 以上所有条款及细则须受中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的法律所解释及受其监管。      


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