(852) 2284 2988 / (852) 9661 8200

(a) "Victoria Harbour Residence (海璇汇)" is the name given to Tower 6 ("Tower 6") of Phase 1B of Victoria Harbour Development ("the Development") for promotion of the letting of the residential units in Tower 6 as serviced apartments. The name is a name used for marketing of the serviced apartments and will not appear in the Deed of Mutual Covenant or any other title deeds and documents of the Development, save that the name may appear in tenancy and licence related documents of the serviced apartments. (b) Choice Win (H.K.) Limited reserves the right to vary, suspend or terminate the serviced apartments arrangement at any time without prior notice. (c) This promotional material is not an advertisement for promoting, and does not purport to promote, the sale of any of the residential units in Tower 6 or any other residential property of the Development. (d) This promotional material does not constitute and must not be construed as any offer or representation, whether express or implied, on the part of Choice Win (H.K.)Limited in relation to the sale, or promotion for the sale, of any residential units in Tower 6 or any other residential property of the Development, and shall not be relied on by any person as such. (e) The photos may have been edited and/or processed with computerized imaging techniques and are not taken from Victoria Harbour Residence. They do not illustrate the actual view from any part of Victoria Harbour Residence. All information, statements and specifications contained in this promotional material are for reference purposes only and shall not form any part of any offer or contract. (f) Choice Win (H.K.) Limited reserves its absolute right to amend or change any parts and any of the facilities of the clubhouse and landscaped garden without any prior notice. The facilities of the clubhouse, landscaped garden and/or recreational facilities and the dates of completion thereof are subject to final approval by the Buildings Department, Lands Department and/or other relevant government authorities. The clubhouse, landscaped garden and/or recreational facilities may not be available for immediate use at the time of move in of the residential properties of Phase 1B of the Development. Moreover, some clubhouse facilities (i.e. Vici Gala, Queen's Pool, Arodagio Spa, Chill Yoga and a part of Harbour-V Fitness) belong to subsequent phase(s) of the Development, which can only be open for use after the completion of the said subsequent phase(s) and upon the satisfaction of all requisite requirements. The use or operation of some of the facilities and/or services may be subject to the consent or permit issued by relevant government departments, or may require additional payments. Names of different areas and facilities of the clubhouse are promotional names used in promotional materials only. Such names will not appear in the deed of mutual covenant, the preliminary agreement for sale and purchase, agreement for sale and purchase, assignment, or any other title deeds or documents.
(a)「海璇汇Victoria Harbour Residence」指海璇发展项目(「发展项目」)第1B期第6座(「第6座」)的名称,用以推广作为服务式住宅出租第6座的住宅物业。该名称用作推广服务式住宅及不会出现于发展项目的大厦公共契约或任何其他所有权契约及文件,但可能会出现于服务式住宅的租赁或许可等相关文件。(b)彩荣(香港)有限公司保留随时更改,暂停或终止服务式住宅安排的权利,而毋须事先另行通知。(c)本宣传资料并不是也无意作为促销第6座任何住宅物业或发展项目任何其他住宅物业的广告。(d)本宣传资料不构成亦不得诠释为彩荣(香港)有限公司就有关出售或促销第6座任何住宅物业或发展项目的其他住宅物业之任何要约或陈述(不论明示或暗示)。任何人士切勿以此为依据。(e)本宣传资料所展示的部分照片经电脑修饰处理及/或非从海璇汇拍摄。其并不代表海璇汇的任何部分的实际景观。本宣传资料中的所有资料,陈述及规格定明仅作参考,并不构成任何要约或合约的任何一部份。(f)彩荣(香港)有限公司保留其修改及改变会所及园景花园任何部分及其所有设施之绝对权利,而毋须事先另行通知。会所,园景花园及/或康乐设施内的设施及落成日期以屋宇署,地政总署及/或其他相关政府部门之最终批核为准。会所,园景花园及/或康乐设施于发展项目第1B期住宅物业入伙时未必能即时启用。再加,部分会所设施(即Vici Gala,Queen's Pool,Arodagio Spa,Chill Yoga及Harbor-V Fitness之一部分)属于发展项目后续期数,该些设施不会供使用,直至该后续期数落成后及所有相关规定已获符合。部分设施及/或服务的使用或操作可能受制于相关政府部门发出之同意书或许可证或需额外付款。会所各区域及设施的名称为推广名称并仅于推广资料中显示,将不会在公契,临时买卖合约,买卖合约,转让契或其他业权契据中显示。